Check out the below links to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis, organ transplants and how to become and organ donor! 

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Transplant info

Become an organ donor

Catching air for Rima's new lungs!

Catching air for Rima's new lungs!

Exciting news!!! Our blog got a well deserved and needed facelift! Take a look around, click and scroll, you just might find some cool photos! We also have launched our Air Catchers retail store on the site! Rima and I have created some pretty neat wall hangings that we hope you all love! We decided since neither of us can currently work (due to being on the transplant list and all the baggage that comes with it) we needed to make some extra pocket money. Yes, my friends we're pulling a page out of our elementary school days and turning our creativity into some cashflow. 


Each Air Catcher (props to Rima on the name) represents a positive thought sent out into the universe for the perfect pair of lungs and healthy recovery for Rima. Catching air for Rima's new lungs!! So, if you dig them, which we hope you do...pull the trigger and put one up around your house and spread the positive energy that her pair will be perfect!


If you like them but want something more specific like a different color or pattern send us an email and we will see what we can create for you! Our email is We're super excited to see how our Air Catchers catch on.

Happy exploring and happy shopping!!! 

All trick, no treat!

All trick, no treat!

Reunited and it feels so good

Reunited and it feels so good