Pill school
I'm being schooled. I can barley remember to take one vitamin a day. I bought Biotin two weeks ago and have taken it three times. Rima and I sat down to do her vitamin/medication stacks and I got schooled hard. I sat down ready to record how many pills and when each day she should take them. Rima, pulled out a box full of pill bottles and said, "okay, this normally takes me thirty to forty-five minutes". Ah, excuse me?
Stack school began. Probiotic twice a day, baby aspirin PM only, Azithromycin on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the morning. The list went on and on, to number twenty one. Twenty one pills, some twice daily. This is not counting her enzymes which she needs to take before eating any food to make sure her body adsorbs the nutrients and calories. She takes five before big meals and three before snacks (depending on the type). I did the math and she takes between 55 to 65 pills daily. She takes that many vitamins because when you have CF your body does not absorb all or any nutrients or vitamins it needs from foods. This results in having to compensate for that lack in countless vitamins and supplements.
I'm done making excuses about forgetting to take my one vitamin.