Rimas back in the slammer...
Monday came too soon for Rima. She was going to be admitted into the hospital for a few days before and a few after. She is getting sinus surgery on Thursday. She has had this procedure done before. They clear our her sinuses so she can breathe better, smell and taste food (like a normal person), and get rid of any bacteria that has taken refuge within. She admitted to me that her sense of smell and taste has been off for like a year or so. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? I would have gone nuts not being able to taste correctly. Well, that explains why she has such a sh*ty appetite.
We packed up her stuff and headed to St. Josephs Hospital in Denver. She got a mountain view room which is awesome because that's what she wanted and she didn't even have to ask for it. Last time she had a view of another building. She tots lucked out this time!
We got to her room and the invasion of nurses and technicians began. Questions on questions. What medicines are you on? When was the last time you where here? How do you fee? What are you allergic too? How was MNU? When was the last time you did a neb? On and on and on. Then the pricking and prodding began. I would have lost it on some one already. Everyone calm down, get in line and wait your turn!
After about 2 hours of none stop commotion we finally had some peace and quiet. Her room is pretty big, nice TV and mini fridge. The nurses are all very nice and most of them who had helped Rima in March remembered her. St Joseph's is an adult hospital. So I think that when she comes in or someone her age it's a nice change of pace from the older crowd. You are bound to leave Rima's room laughing or with a smile.
Cleaning the port area before the needle pricks her skin!
Getting her port accessed
Port accessed, this is so the doctors can give her antibiotics through IV's.
She did her PFT's, last time she did them was in MNU and she was at FEV1 24%. This time she did them and the highest number she blew was an FEV1of 20%. Um.....Not sure what happened in the last 2 weeks or so but it's not good. It went down about 4%-5%. We asked if there was a difference in machinery and maybe the number was off. The nurse said she has heard this but normally it would only be a 1%-2% difference. Rima was not happy about this number, not one bit, neither was I! She also had X-Rays done. Her congestion of mucus in her lungs looks a lot worse than it did two months ago. WTF Rima's body what are you doing?!?! Get with the program!
PFT time.....before we saw the low number...no smiles after that.
Rima's room
OH! So we have some news! We heard back from MNU on the transplant. Her transplant coordinator Megan gave us a call. MNU APPROVED her for the double lung transplant. We had a really good feeling they would not say no and would accept her so this was great news, you never know, right?! She did say that they think she is great candidate and they are excited that she had chosen them. They do think she has some potential for lung function improvement. We discussed with her about working on getting Rima's numbers up over the next few months and then going to MNU in October for a 6 month check in and then getting listed. She said Rima's number would be between 36 - 37. This is a good zone to be in because that means the rest of your body is fine which makes the recovery better and easier. So over the next few months we are going to try our damnedest to get Rima's numbers up with weight also! 130 lbs here we come!!!
On a walk with her new pet toy!
Goofing off!