Doctors & Distance
Wednesday morning came too soon. I brought Laima to the airport around 7:20am so she could fly back to Brooklyn for about a month and a half (tear, tear i know).Yes, we already miss each other. She was really bummed that the same day I finally had my appointment at National Jewish Hospital for a follow up. I have not seen them since I left the hospital in mid May. We were all curious to see what my PFTs were going to be. Since in the past two weeks I have been feeling crumby, my guess was either 19% or 20% and Paulius's guess was either 23% or 24%. My cough has increased and a lot more phlegm. The cough attacks have been more brutal when I am in need of nebs, which the need for those have also increased. I was thinking that it was probably allergies that was causing all this but who really ever knows. No body knows (someone might know...).
My appointment was later in the day, 3pm. I was not thrilled about that. These appointments take forever... My PFTs ended up being the same as they were before sinus surgery. They were 21%, its better than going down, for sure. I was convinced it was going to be worse because of how I have been feeling. I've gained weight which is great! Abut 126lbs finally! It was such a struggle to get there. Still having my fight with food. I don't like food and food doesn't like me. Gilby Grape is still reigning terror.
In conclusion, my doctor kind of wanted me to start some sort of antibiotics ASAP. I was not willing to go back to IV antibiotics so soon so he put me on three oral antibiotics. Cipro, Bactrim and Zyvox. Two of them are light sensitive, so I'm supposed to stay out of the sun or I'll fry. Which is very easy to do here since I'm a mile closer to the sun than the east coast. The third antibiotic, I'm not supposed to eat most cheeses... (seriously!?!? gah! what is my life). Oh and also no beer or wine supposedly.. (lame llama). Basically things that are aged. I will be taking these for three weeks and then we'll see if I'm feeling any better. If not, then I will have to go in for IV antibiotics. I don't even feel like those do anything bueno.