Hospital slumber parties
I'm back in Colorado. I had an amazing couple months spending quality time with all my close friends in Brooklyn. It was really nice to see faces I did not get to really see enough previously to leaving. Before I moved to CO in April I had been working two jobs and on level 99 on the stress scale. It was a much needed vacation. Unfortunately Rima got sick on her flight back from Boston to Denver and ended back in the hospital a few days later with her friends visiting. The cookie is very crumbly for her currently, which sucks!
Rima's view
I got back Tuesday late and first thing Wednesday morning went to see Rima. I picked up a couple things she needed on the way in, like comfy pants and shorts. A must have if you hang out in the hospital as much as that little bird. She was so excited that I was coming and staying the night! I was also very, very, very excited to see her and spend the night! I brought her a bunch of flowers and some treats! She has been on the liquid diet for a few days because of the meds they are pumping her full of make her not want and solid food. She has been ordering the same peaches and cream milk shake twice a day for like five days straight. It was time to shake things up! She adored all the flowers, which of course she would. Flower power, powers her soul.
She had about an hour of free time meaning she was not going to be hooked up to any IVs that afternoon. So, I decided for her not giving her any room for rejection that we go out to the balcony down the hall for some fresh air. She has been feeling like quite a limp vegetable the last few days and I was convinced that some fresh air would help. With some hesitation I got her outside for a little. It did help, her mood improved a bit. For the slumber party, I was spending the night on the "sofa" window box thing in her room. Not very comfortable. It's more like a hard cot. I survived, but was going to make improvements the next time I spent the night.
Sleeping corner and exercise stuff
On Thursday she was going to have about a 2-3 hour break time from her IVs. I was going to get her outside and not just on the balcony, but downstairs in the courtyard. I had the nurse, her favorite nurse Sarah Jane order up a wheelchair. It came and I strong armed her into it after some opposition. I got her down to the courtyard, It was sprinkling a little so we sat under a covered part in some sweet wooden rocking chairs. After the rain moved on we went to go check out the roses near by. Rima even walked up an incline! This was progress!!! She was very happy she was able to walk it and also be outside.
She did it!
I stayed till about 8pm that night and then went home to get new clothes and a good nights sleep. Good thing I did because Rima mentioned that I was looking a bit tired, aka not looking so hot. Friday I got up and then came to the hospital in the early afternoon. I made Rima a yummy milkshake at home since any sane person would be sick of the same flavor after two days. It look me about thirty minutes on Friday to find out what kind of milkshake should would like. Rima, bless her stomach, is not the easiest person when it comes to deciding on food choices or flavors. I just decided for her and she loved it!
Outside, we're outside!
I took her out again on Friday and we even went down the street to the small park near by. We chilled there for a while and then she walked next to the wheelchair as I pushed it. Moving for her is great for a few reasons but especially with getting all the junk in her lungs loose. We were outside for about an hour and a half! She even sat in the grass and then laid in it! To end the outside adventure mother nature shined a rainbow for her! Rima was very excited about this rainbow. She had put me on rainbow watch and I missed it, she has fired me from the position. That night we started to watch Shameless, why not right, why not binge. I slept so much better Friday night, thanks to my brother letting me borrow his camping pad. Note to anyone sleeping in hospitals, get a comfortable sleeping pad, game changer! Oh and earplugs!
My little nook
Rima got a CAT scan
Outdoor cheese