Check out the below links to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis, organ transplants and how to become and organ donor! 

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Transplant info

Become an organ donor

The update of updates

The update of updates

Hey, hey, hey. So it's been a week or so since we were able to post. Time sure does fly when you're running around like a chicken without a head. It's been something out of a movie for us. If this movie's main character was stress and the plot line was stress then I'd say it's pretty spot on. Why all the stress? Well, thanks for asking. Here is the rundown of what's going on. Rima was in the hospital on her 3rd week in and the doctors not so subtly suggest/implied that it would be a good idea for us to be up in Minneapolis while being listed and waiting for new lungs. They also said that they would prefer to keep Rima in the hospital till she got the transplant. Yeah, mine and Rima's jaws were on the basement floor at this point, we were on the 5th floor. "You're kidding me, you want me to stay in the clinker infinitely?!?" was Rima's responses to these left field comments at 8am on a Tuesday morning. 

Now if you have kept up with the blog then you are aware of how stubborn Rima can be at times. This was not a moment where she would cave on staying in the hospital till who knows when. After the doctor left the room Rima and I had to have a heart to heart. Going up to Minneapolis asap was going to become the topic of conversation between the two of us. We had originally planned on living in Colorado while being listed and taking a med-flight up to MNU when the call for new lungs came in. But, as most things go for us recently there were too many factors that would make flying a tricky situation. As a producer, there was one way everything would go right and like 15 other ways things would get messed up with the flight. This includes weather, time of day, flight duration, insurance, dry run possibility, Rima's health, and stress. So in my head going up to MNU asap made the most sense. 

For Rima, going up sooner than planned was not cool. Not cool brah, not cool... Us going up and her getting listed there made the whole situation a little too real. Yeah, we knew this day was coming and she knew she was going to be listed. But, I think it all hit home for her pretty hard. She tried to fight me on the going up early idea for a few days but after I spent hours and I mean hours looking for housing and finally found something the fight on her end would have to end. It's not like she can go hiking or really exploring here anyways. If we were in Colorado while she was listed we would have to be within a hour of the airport at all times. Have full service 24/7. Be checking our phones like crazy mental people. Stressed out of our minds all the time. Going up and living there while being listed would relieve all this stress and more. 

So, we are countdown one week out from driving up to Minneapolis. Rima and I have already started to pack and prepare for our relocation. MNU does not think she will be on the list for very long which is great, but also F*ing terrifying. This is all real now. The day after we arrive hopefully the 22nd if all things stay on track she will be listed the next day. So much to do before we leave. We have an ever growing list of tasks to finish. Packing up all our winter and fall clothes, here we come Minnesota winter, brrrr! Honestly, I'm relived/happy we are going up now. We will be able to enjoy this time more than here, knowing we will be close to the hospital and wont have to deal with the flight nightmare. 

I'm trying to get Rima excited about being in Minneapolis so soon. I keep talking about the art and music scene, and apple and pumpkin picking. If anyone has suggestions of things to do there we're all ears! 

Backtrack for a second

Backtrack for a second

Third weeks a charm?

Third weeks a charm?