Officially listed for new airbags!!
It's official, Rima's on the transplant list to receive new lungs in Minneapolis! WOW! It's real we're here...she's listed...where's the gin?!? I feel a lot more calm than I thought I would. Maybe it because we are here and close by the hospital versus being in Denver and having to deal with proximity to the airport and the plane. It's really happening!! The call could come at ANY time. It's like we're nine and a half months pregnant and waiting for the little sucker to start a riot (mine and Rima's nightmare).
About to have vamps take her blood!
What's in Rima's bag?!?!
waiting and waiting
Rima had her first appointment at MNU Tuesday since our evaluation there in April. She had some blood drawn, PFT's, 6 minute walk test, X-rays and met with the doctor and our transplant coordinator. She is still going to be on IVs for a while. The doctor want's to try to keep her lungs as "healthy" as they can be at this point but it's hard. He also want's her to start doing her vest therapy three times day instead of two, who knows if that will do anything. Rima says she does not think twice a day does much anyways. It's time for new airbags!
After speaking with the doctor we touched base with Megan, our transplant coordinator. She said she would get Rima listed by the end of the day if we gave her the green light, we did. She went over a few things to refresh our memory of what will happen once we get the call after we are listed. Basically we need to have our phones on and have service all the time. Once we get the call to come in we have between 1-2 hours to do so. This means no more crazy club parties for me and Rima...whaaaa whaaaa.
After we left the hospital we decided to go to lunch/dinner (we had been at the hospital since 11 and it was almost 5). We went to Pizzaria Lola, we had been there before and loved it. We were not disappointed! Coming from Brooklyn I can be a pizza snob and let me tell you this pizza is incredible! After pizza we did the photo booth and as we were about to take the pictures we got a call from Meghan informing us that Rima was officially listed! Her listing number is 35.5 and she's pretty much at the top of the list in her blood group (A). After getting off the phone we took three pictures below, to try to capture all the feels we were feeling.
That night we went home and I made myself a moscow mule aka we're listed mule and rima a virgin we're listed mule. We binged on shameless and tried to enjoy the quiet and peace, who knows how long that will last. From now on, we take things day by day. Enjoy the small things, and try not to freak every time one of our phones ring...