Takeover Tuesday
Back in the first week of September the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Instagram page reached out to us on our Instagram page. They wanted to know if we would be interested in participating in their Instagram takeover. This would consist of us having to pre-select several pictures and writing captions for each and then they would pick which ones they wanted. These pictures with the captions would be featured on their page throughout one day. They call it Takeover Tuesday. The point of these Instagram takeovers that they do is to promote CF awareness from people in the CF community. They want us to show what life is like having CF. So obviously we said...Yes!! The takeover took place two weeks ago on Tuesday October 4th.
It was cool to be able to share how I live life with CF compared to others. We got a bunch of questions and loving from other CFers.
Intro picture used the day before.
This picture talked about moving to Colorado and how much work it is to move when you have CF.
Many people shared their love for their sisters and how they helped them get through a transplant as well.
A question that a few people asked was how I got that portable neb.
The topic of conversation for this picture was about my mask, National Jewish Health, and the altitude and climate of Colorado vs. other places for CFers. The masks I wear are Vogmasks, from either the website or Amazon. Two of the CFers also had my doctor as well! One person was thinking about moving to Colorado and was curious how I felt with the altitude and another lives in Florida and flys to Denver just for treatments.
For this picture I talked about my portable o2 concentrator Pablo. Pablo(2), my boyfriend, since he's always by my side following me around. Fellow CFers and supporters enjoyed the humor (I'm not the only one who names theirs)! Some of them were curious about Pablo's capabilities and what kind he was.
The caption for this picture I had mentioned how feeling real freedom when leaving the hospital is without going home on IVs. Many CFers agreed and that a "real person" shower is the best thing! By real person meaning a shower without needing plastic and tape to cover the IV. A few people mentioned that they go to Saint Joes as well and love it! We really enjoyed the takeover and seeing the likes and comments roll in. We had very high engagement that day which was a great feeling, people like us...they really like us!