Check out the below links to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis, organ transplants and how to become and organ donor! 

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Transplant info

Become an organ donor

Secret Garden

Secret Garden

Tuesday Rima had a morning appointment at MNU to get her G-tube replaced.  For those of you who may not know what a G-tube is, it’s a tube that’s in her stomach, accessed through her abdomen, which provides a source of extra nutrition, i.e. night feedings. The one she has had for a while is a major annoyance to her and all her shirts. It leaks constantly. She almost always has a wet spot on her shirts from whatever she drinks leaking through the sides of the tube.  If she drinks water its water, if she drinks juice then its juice. This is not normal. The leak is caused by the G-tube not being the correct size from wear and tear over time. She was supposed to get it replaced with a larger one in Denver but they dropped the ball.

We got to the hospital on time, early actually which is a big achievement for us. But, of course we were not rewarded for arriving early. We waited over an hour before she was called, (Ugh precious sleeping time wasted)! They didn’t give Rima any sedatives, which she was not happy about. Back in Denver they were going to slightly sedate her, but here they were opting out of that. Rima described it as “imagine someone is taking a philips head screwdriver into your  belly and then twisting it and pulling it out aggressively.” Pass, yeah I pass on that, noooooo thank you.


After we left the hospital we went to check out the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory. Holy moly, that place or at least the conservatory part is beautiful. The outside of it resembles one of my favorite buildings in San Francisco, the Conservatory of Flowers. We had no idea how expansive this place would be. Sunroom, after glass room,  after tropical room, and on and on and on. Thankfully they have wheelchairs at the visitors center. Rima would be a very pooped potato if she had attempted to walk the grounds. No way we would have made it to the zoo part.

Rima and I, on principle don’t like zoo’s. Now we know that some zoos rescue and take care of animals that would not have had a chance out in the wild, we get that. But, there are plenty of animals there in zoo’s that would have been just fine out in their natural habitats instead of being stared at and yelled at by booger infested brats who don’t know what an appropriate noise level is out in public. It’s pretty depressing walking around a zoo and looking at the small cages these creatures have to call home.  I wonder if they have any idea what’s going on. So even though we’re against zoo’s we checked this one out because it was linked to the conservatory and it was free. I know, we’re the pot calling the kettle black, but we don’t run around slapping cages while making funny faces at animals like so many mini human holy terrors do. Instead, after every animal we saw Rima or I would say “Polar bear prison, or bison prison, or free the monkeys!” I think some by stander parents thought we had intentions of freeing the animals. Next time….next time. P.S. we both agree that Harambe was murdered, for a horrible reason. 

sloth nap! 

sloth nap! 



Takeover Tuesday

Takeover Tuesday

Jackpot my dears, Jack-f*ing-pot!

Jackpot my dears, Jack-f*ing-pot!