Check out the below links to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis, organ transplants and how to become and organ donor! 

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Transplant info

Become an organ donor

That one time that....

That one time that....

It took me about two days to recover from the drive/evaluation. Saturday Rima and I just basically laid around the house. Even after getting in at 3am and going to bed around 3:30am. We were still up around 9am....ughhhhh. Sunday we bucked up since Dennis had the day off and went into Denver for Brunch. It was nice enough that we could sit outside and get a little vitamin D. Side note, we learned Rima was not deficient in vitamin D at the evaluation, if anything she had a lot of it. No vampire life for her, even though they did take a lot of her blood. 



After brunch we traveled to a Boston bar that Rima and Dennis had been to a couple times before. We went to watch the Celtics game. Let me rephrase that last statement, Dennis watched the game, Rima and I were being silly. Or I should really say I was and I was demanding attention from Rima making it incredibly difficult for her to watch the game. Don't take me out when you want to keep up with a score or game, I'll ruin it for you....



That night, I'm so ashamed to say this but, for dinner the three of us (yes I include myself in this) agreed on not cooking but getting something quick to eat. Carl's Jr. was the vote to feed the three of us. I must preface that I don't and I mean DO NOT eat fast food. I can't even recall the last time I had a drive through burger. In-n-Out Burger does not count at all, that's on a different level, I don't consider that to be fast food, it's from heaven, end of discussion. I've never had Carl's Jr. I didn't even know what to compare it too...Burger King? 

When we got home with our "loot" I opened the wrapper hesitantly, what was I going to find under this paper? The first bite came and.....Damn you Dennis and Rima. I hate you two for introducing me to this....this....hell burger. I hate it so much. Replace hate with love and hell with heavenly. Now you see why I'm two minutes away from hiding in the corner, about to deny that I ever ate such a monstrosity. 

Now on to the important subject or matter of this post. Monday morning Rima and I were on her bed discussing the evaluation. She was playing around on her phone and suddenly her eyes got super wide and she started to squeal and shake her whole body in excitement. She had just opened her email and seen that one of her favorite musicians had emailed her, Bassnectar. Quick backtrack, one of our cousins knows him and reached out to him asking if he would maybe email Rima or post something about her/the blog on Twitter. So, he did. He wanted to know Rima's back story so he had more to go on than just knowing she was his friend's cousin. Rima wrote him an email giving some backstory about her and what we are going through with the transplant and the blog. 

The coolest thing!!!!!

The coolest thing!!!!!

He then posted the blog link on his Twitter account and did a shoutout to Rima. Needless to say that made her week. Smiles for days on that girls face. It was really incredible. After the week she just had and all the shit she had to go through to have something is awesome happen, was the like the Universe giving her a big warm loving hug. Thank you Krista for being so thoughtful and brilliant and thank you Bassnectar for being so freaking cool!

The whole twitter post and email from Bassnectar kind of took over our Monday, rightly so. We got a very late start to the day but who cares at that point, right?! We decided that for dinner I was going to make stir fry. Rima had heard of a very cool and large asian market close by, so we decided to adventure to it to get some authentic noodles. This place was is called H Mart. Be forewarned if you dare enter it, smells on smells on fish smells on more fish smells. It's also huge. I'm not a fan of fishy smelly smells, especially 2-3 day old fishy smells. Rima didn't think much of it. I think it had to do with her O2 in her nose. Her excuse was that she was use to the smell from working at the aquarium. Regardless it was basically not tolerable. We found the noodle aisle and were stuck there for about five minutes looking at all the varieties. They also had a whole aisle devoted to just and I mean just soy sauce. At the checkout lane we noticed a commotion occurring at the back of the mart. A fire extinguisher had exploded....This place was a trip. 

Fishy smelly smells

Fishy smelly smells

Our goodies from fishy smelly smells Mart

Our goodies from fishy smelly smells Mart

On the way home from the fishy smells mart, we had a bit of an, ahhhhh, encounter...? Rima was driving her car Rigby. She was slowing down to a stop at a red light at a very busy intersection. BAM!!! The car moved forward a bit. Some Mother F***** hit Rigby in the butt!!! We turned around and it was some dip sh*t in a horrible colored Ford. I got out of the car angrily and stormed up to his window knocked on it, I might have said/shouted "What the F*** are you doing?!?!" I then proceeded to stopped side traffic and help Rima drive into a parking lot to deal with his idiot. I strongly jabbed my hand in his direction demanding he follow her to the lot. He followed her, if only for the fear that I might harm him somehow. Don't mess with sister, in any shape or form, I'm not responsible for the beast that takes my place. 

Rima and the idiot parked their cars in the side lot. How appropriate that Chipotle was right there....guac so close but yet so far! The man got out of his car and I could feel him shaking. I asked very sternly "What was that, did you not see alllll the other cars stopped and the huge red lights?" His reply was "I'm sorry I just got off work I'm tired" me?!?! Tired....I'll give you 13 hours through the most boring landscapes ever after 5 days of endless doctor appointments and then tell me you are "le tired". Rima said "ever heard of caffeine dude?!?" I was about to go off on this man. Rigby was pretty much unharmed a couple scrapes but nothing major. The man's hood got dented. Good job Rigby! We exchanged information, reminded this man that our insurance would  not pay for anything, because of course he was at fault. I gave him a short lecture on paying attention while driving no matter how "le tired" you may be, don't be an idiot. 

HA! Serves you right!!!

HA! Serves you right!!!

We finished the exchange and went our separate directions making sure he was nowhere close by, just in case. What a day we had just had. Highs and lows, highs and lows. If anyone was going to get a "get out of jail free card" for a fender bender it would be Rima. 


Winner winner...where's my chicken dinner?!

Winner winner...where's my chicken dinner?!

Wrap up & heading home

Wrap up & heading home