Winner winner...where's my chicken dinner?!
Wednesday morning got a bit of a slow start. We didn't really know what we were going to do for the day. We originally were talking about going to view a car I had seen online. But after closer examination and consideration we decided not to. We knew we wanted to go to Boulder and hang out with Hassan but that was about it. I was downstairs making my morning smoothie, when Dennis asked me over the balcony "Hey, you want to go on an adventure today?" Yes, I do sir, yes I do. I was hoping that he was not going to say Flagstaff in Boulder. It's a beautiful location and mountain but we had gone there the last two times we had been to Boulder and today was in the mid 40's if not cooler in the mountains. I always wanted to go somewhere new!
"So, here's what we were thinking, we go to Boulder and swoop up Hassan and drive up to Black Hawk and do a quick drive through Nederland....?" AH, yeah that sounds amazing sign me up....when do we leave? Oh, like now?! we go!!! Rima, Dennis, and I set off to gather up Hassan and drive up through the mountains. We arrived to Boulder and picked up our fourth adventure member of the day. For those of you who don't know Black Hawk is a Casino town tucked up in the mountains about 45 minutes from Boulder. I had never been but the other three adventure buddies had. We had spoken about going almost every week. We were finally going!!! I'm not a big gambler, I usually give myself $20 - $30 bucks tops and if I lose it I lose it then I'm done. Rima is the same. Dennis and Hassan are more into this gambling scene.
Backseat perspective
Cheesy mountain tops
The drive up to Black Hawk is AWESOMEEEEEEE!!!! You drive through mountain ridges and nooks. Little rivers flowing from tops of mountains where the sun melts snow and it trickles down to the pebbles below. Trees surviving with roots half hanging out of the dirt, stretching for substance in open air. The road we took you have to drive through a super cool mountain town, Nederland. We've been there before years ago. We did not stop but we will go back in a few weeks and make a day trip of it. Lots of cool fossil and gem stores with crystals and dream catchers, real hippy stuff, you know.
Black Hawk
Brick casinos!!!!!
When you get to the town of Black Hawk it catches you off guard, you are all of the sudden out of the forest and in a town with a street light. How did they get that up here?!?! You turn a bend and boom, tons of brick buildings. Noting like Vegas, thank goodness that place is hell on wheels. No neon obnoxious signs. No trashy 20 something year olds wearing clothing that barley covers. No men standing on sidewalks handing you hooker and call girl cards. It was a Wednesday around maybe they all come out at night.....but that's doubtful. You can keep you trashy trash Vegas and I'll take this super cute brick mountain casino town.
My view is pretttttyyy good.
Our destination of choice was Ameristar, one of the newer casinos. Boy it was pretty. Inside it was mountain and cabin themed. Thank youuuu, thank youuuu. After we got our bearings Rima and I decided to get something to nibble on, substance before we hit the tables (with our deep pockets....not). The boys were on the jitter train of excitement so they hit the tables. Rima and I had a lovely ladies luncheon. We decided that next time we came we would have a spa day. Yep, "typical" female almost made us sick.
Dennis does not like to lose.....
After, we went to meet up with Dennis at his choice of roulette table. Upon initial approach the dealer at the table barely let us get "hi" out of our mouths to Dennis when he interjected. "Why are you wearing that tube thing, oxygen I mean?" This was directed at Rima of course. We both kind of just looked at him in awe. "Well, that was a bit forward and a little rude...." Rime retorted. GO RIMA! This was nicer than the words I was going to exchange with this "Sir" maybe something along the lines of "why are you so ugly sir....Oh, I'm sorry was that rude?!?" He then went on to continue the rudeness and not let go of the question and then ask her about CF when she explained why she had it on. He also had to add that she was the youngest person he had seen wearing one. Now, let me say that Rima does not mind questions at all if they are asked nicely and honestly. This man would not know what manners were if they hit him in the face with a ton of bricks. Which if I had any in my bag I would have done so. Again, don't mess with Rima, I do not control the beast that comes out of me.
Cheese and slots.....haaaa
After walking directly away from this "Sir" Rima and I decided to try our luck with some roulette. Rima and I both were up $10 and then lost it. On to the slot machines! I put in $1 and won $4 and then lost it and Rima basically did the same. Again, we are not gamblers, we are there more for the people watching. We then all decided to head back to Boulder. Next time we would come stay at the casino and not run into rude people with personal questions.
I'M RICH!!!!!
The drive back was beautiful of course, we even drove through a little bit of snow. We even saw a gang of wild elk on the side of the road. Of course Rima pulled over and "ran" across the road to get a better picture. All the houses we passed on the sides of the road were each as interesting as the next. We wanted to go up to each door, knock on it and ask what they do that they live in such a special house in this pristine location. Maybe next time on the way up we will harass some locals with our intrusive questions...
Cheese and wild Elk!!!!
ELK....WILD ELK!!!!!