Park picnic
Wednesday Rima and I decided to go on a little lunch adventure. She had been wanting to visit Roxborough State Park in Littleton. We agreed to have a picnic lunch outside since it was going to be a beautiful day! I packed a salad, cheese, crackers and meats, off we went! The park is a little strange when you drive into it. Did not look very "official", but once you get into the middle of the park, it changes. Beautiful red rock formations jump out of the ground at odd angles. Some of the park looked like it came out of the Roswell TV show, I miss that show!
We found a semi secluded bench surrounded by some low trees to have our midday picnic at. Now, I'm positive I'm not alone in being scared of say, snakes. During the entire picnic I kept hearing rattling sounds, like a rattle snake. Rima, brushed it off saying they were bug sounds (which they were...). She then midway through the meal announced that she wished we would see a snake! Cool, yeah that's exactly what I want to see when I'm already paranoid about snakes, to actually see a snake.
We did not see any snakes, this was a loss in Rima's book. We did see a "Caution Rattlesnake Country" sign. That's as close as I plan on getting to any rattlesnake, real or fake.