Check out the below links to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis, organ transplants and how to become and organ donor! 

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Transplant info

Become an organ donor

Evergreen forever green

Evergreen forever green

So, it's been a few day's since our last post, sorry about that. Trying to play catch up with life and the summer weather got to us. Hello suntans and summer water! This past Friday Rima and I decided to finally go to Evergreen Colorado! We had been talking about going there since I arrived back in April. Friday was the day our dreams would come into reality, finally. We mosied out of the house shortly after noon or so. On our way to our destination we stopped at a Bison viewing point in the mountains. It was pretty populated with Bison. Large ones, fat ones and even baby ones! Rima and I got some pretty epic photos of these large majestic creatures. We even got a sideshow of one multitasking.....eating and a boss. After some more photos and giggles we headed back toward the direction of Evergreen. As we drove off I had a hankering for a Bison burger....I wonder why...

Like a Boss...

Like a Boss...

When we got to Evergreen we decided to go to hangout at the lake. Rima was quite excited about the possibility of seeing a hummingbird. Lo and behold, she met one. She named him Herbert. Yes, you read that correctly Herbert the Evergreen lake hummingbird, graced us with his presence. We walked around the lake for a little, mainly looking for Herbert's friends, none to be found sadly. They must have all been taking a siesta. We took a different way back a more scenic drive if you will. What do these people do who have mansions in the woods?! Our drive back was full of "oh, look at the look at that house....AHHHHH!" WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE DO?!?1 I want to live on the side of a mountain with a river flowing through my yard like a moat....where is my Jon Snow?!?

No elk, makes Rima a sad puppy. 

No elk, makes Rima a sad puppy. 

Herbert chillin like a villain

Herbert chillin like a villain

The private moat...

The private moat...

Not a unicorn.....

Not a unicorn.....

Excuse me....what do you do?!?!?

Excuse me....what do you do?!?!?

Ending the day on a cheesy note....

Ending the day on a cheesy note....

Street drugs are easier to get...

Street drugs are easier to get...

Mountains get her through the door

Mountains get her through the door