Check out the below links to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis, organ transplants and how to become and organ donor! 

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Transplant info

Become an organ donor

Feeling blah for days

Feeling blah for days

 Finally ended two miserable weeks on those 3 oral antibiotics. I never used to feel this way on Bactrim and Cipro. Warning! sorry this post mentions throwing up several times....They completely killed my appetite, made my stomach feel really full extremely quickly and made me feel nauseous and throw up. I cant decide which is the worst out of the three...hmmm probably feeling sick and throwing up part for sure. I would eat dinner and then a little later not be able to ignore the feeling and have to run to the bathroom. Farewell dinner that was difficult to eat in the first place and now gone forever (grrrrrr). And of course I can't eat right after because I still feel gross, therefore falling asleep feeling pukey. I would try and do the overnight g-tube feeding a few hours later after I've slept because I usually wake up often overnight. Sleeping is a struggle. Since my stomach gets really full really fast I would wake up a few hours after starting the g-tube feed and feel extremely full like I am about to throw up so then I have to stop it. I have been quite worried these past two weeks that I was going to lose a lot of the weight that I worked so hard to gain. I thought for sure  between throwing up, not being to eat a lot, getting really full with the g-tube and not being able to finish a full amount and only eating about two to maybe 3 times in a day that I would be down at least five lbs.I weighed myself today and it says 125.1lbs!! So only like one to two pounds!! (yayayyyyy!). I have no idea how I managed that. The scale at the doctors is always different though, couple pounds off. Most scales vary a few pounds.

Ales of ginger

Ales of ginger

Today I feel great! no nausea or anything! I actually asked Laima for food ideas to make since I'll be going to the grocery store today. The past two weeks have been difficult for wanting/being able to do anything. Anyone who often feels nauseous and gross can relate, it's not that we want to lay in bed or on the couch with ginger ale it's because we can't do anything without being more miserable than we already are. If you've had the stomach bug or anything like that, I'm sure you can remember the feeling. Also, having no energy doesn't help.. always sleepy. I was basically in sloth mode. So something that I realized that would happen some nights that I was already feeling pukey or extremely full, was that If I climbed up the stairs I would feel like I needed to throw up. This was probably because stairs obviously make my lungs work harder therefore my diaphragm presses down on an already super full stomach (now I hate stairs even more!). 



Now that the 14 days of antibiotics are over I will be doing PFTs on Wednesday and seeing my doctor. There we will see whether they did any good at all and whether I need to come in for IV antibiotics..... fingers crossed that I don't!



Think clink

Think clink

Update from Brooklyn

Update from Brooklyn