
Tuesday Rima and I decided to go to Boulder for the afternoon and hang out with two of her good friends from College, who now live in Boulder. 

Hi there, I'm Rima....

Sooo... this is all very new to me, this whole sharing thing with people. I'm not a big sharer when it comes to telling people about my life with Cystic Fibrosis

Bottomless fun!

Sunday, Dennis, Rima, and I drove into Denver for the day. We originally had plans to go to the Rockies Baseball Game.

30 miles from Wyoming!

Dennis had Thursday off, so Rima, Dennis and I went on a day adventure to Fort Collins. The City of Fort Collins is about an hour north or so of Denver. 

Park picnic

Wednesday Rima and I decided to go on a little lunch adventure. She had been wanting to visit Roxborough State Park in Littleton.

Brass tacks, Volume 1.

Where do I honestly start with this post. Tuesday I went over all the transplant information that was sent over to Rima from MNU, in Minneapolis, MN.

Ladies Lunch

We got a late start on Monday, I blame it on the awesomely good food we had on Sunday at Connie and Mark's house.

Crews & views

Yesterday we headed to Boulder for the day. The weather was perfect! The mountains on our drive in were so crisp (like crispy chicken - Rima's input). 

Pill school

I'm being schooled. I can barley remember to take one vitamin a day. I bought Biotin two weeks ago and have taken it three times.