Flower Nerd

Wednesday Rima and I decided to venture out to the Denver Botanical Gardens and have a Picnic in the pack afterwards. 

Space Case

Sorry, the antibiotics they were giving me in the hospital made me a space case and it's finally wearing away. Therefore we have not written any posts lately.

Sand dune days

Thursday morning we woke up to the gorgeous mountains. The sun was sparkling off the snow caps high up. I made us a "go get'em" charged breakfast.

A mile in Rima's shoes...

When Rima and I began writing this blog we discussed some cool/captivating post ideas. A few that came up and kept coming back up were ones of me doing things her way.

May is CF awareness month!

May is Cystic Fibrosis awareness month, most of you have maybe possibly caught on by now that I have CF…. and that I'm all about spreading awareness. 

That one time that....

It took me about two days to recover from the drive/evaluation. Saturday Rima and I just basically laid around the house. Even after getting in at 3am and going to bed around 3:30am. 

Wrap up & heading home

The alarms went off at 6am... it was early but we were almost done with the transplant evaluation. Friday morning we woke up and packed up our belongings.


No, I don't want to wake up, no. Tuesday morning came way too fast. Rima had been up a little before me doing all her nebulizers, which take just over an hour.

Tablet people

Rima and I didn't really sleep well Sunday night. Leaving the Airbnb we were both buzzing with anticipation.

Bacon in Iowa is not kosher....

Good thing Rima and I are use to driving in crappy weather and not ideal driving conditions being from the east coast. Leaving the Denver area Sunday morning was not a picnic. 

Fried last meal

Yesterday with the snow storm we just kinda hung around the house all day. Rima and Dennis played in the snow for a bit.