Backtrack for a second

So a little back track to the last 4 weeks. Three weeks ago I was finally able to go home from the hospital after three weeks and two days.

The update of updates

Hey, hey, hey. So it's been a week or so since we were able to post. Time sure does fly when you're running around like a chicken without a head.

Deja Vu

Bad luck likes to follow me around like a shadow when it comes to my health. I had a strong feeling the cold that I caught was going to land me back in the clinker, which it did on Tuesday. 

Back to Colorado

My trip to the east coast was great! Got back to Colorado last Tuesday. It was wonderful to see family and friends I have not seen since I moved in January. 

The time has come...

During our trip to Maine I knew I had to have a tough talk with Rima. Over the last month her health had gone down even with being in the hospital and on IV's.

Project: Flying

Before my trip to the east coast I was stuck in the hospital for two weeks and was starting to have slight anxiety about flying with needing to bring IVs with me.

The Maine event

It's been a hot minute since I, Laima have composed a blog post. I've been living in my old shoes in Brooklyn. 

It Aint easy being wheezy

I'm still in the clinker, not much has changed. Normally I should be feeling better by now, maybe only now do I feel the slightest improvement, it's day eleven.

Think clink

Back in the clinker.  I didn't even go to my doctor's appointment Wednesday. On Tuesday I made the decision to call them up and tell them that I was feeling terrible and needed to come in ASAP.

Update from Brooklyn

It's been a little while since I (Laima) last posted. A few new things have happened. One major one is that I'm in Brooklyn for the next month or so.

Doctors & Distance

Wednesday morning came too soon. I brought Laima to the airport around 7:20am so she could fly back to Brooklyn for about a month and a half (tear, tear i know).

Estes is the bestez

Last Thursday Rima and I decided to go on an adventure I've been wanting to go on for quite some time, Estes Park and Rocky National Park!